Online Resources

BookFLIX is a collection of thematically paired fiction and nonfiction titles are designed to bridge learning-to-read and reading-to-learn.

Chat with a Librarian
Chat directly with a librarian. Experienced librarians are on hand to assist. They may be able to answer your question then and there, email information later, or suggest resources to explore.

Download ebooks to read on the go. Use your library card to login!

Power Library Teens
Online Resources for teens for schoolwork and more!

A comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids.

TrueFLIX is a highly-engaging multimedia resource that can be used in the library, the classroom, on mobile devices, or at home.

Power Library
A compendium of resources, now including GALE databases. For a full list of available materials, click here.

Power Library Kids!
An online portal of databases for kids! Use your library card to login.